Rwanda - Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA)
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-CFSVA-206-v01 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda - Government of Rwanda |
Sponsor(s) | Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity - ODAN/SENAC - Europian Commission (Humanitarian Aid) - ODAN/SENAC - MSF-Belgium - MSF-Belgium - FEWS NET - FEWS NET - The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of the Prime Minister’s Offi |
Created on
Aug 03, 2012
Last modified
Aug 03, 2012
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Data File: June_10_Section1_11
Content | The file contains the data related to: -Demographics; -Housing and Facilities; -Household Assets and Productive Assets; -Inputs to Livelihood; -Migration & Remittances; -Sources of Credit; -Expenditure; -Food Sources and Consumption; -Shocks and Food Security and -Programme Participation. |
Cases | 2783 |
Variable(s) | 1569 |
Producer | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
Name | Label | Question | |
s121 | 1.21 Does this household care for any orphans | Does this household care for any orphans? | |
s122 | 1.22 How many orphans does the household care for | How many Orphans does the household care for? | |
s1_23s1 | s1_23Sex1 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Sex1 | |
s1_23a1 | s1_23Age1 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Age1 | |
s1_23st1 | s1_23Stat1 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Status1 | |
s1_23s2 | s1_23Sex2 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Sex2 | |
s1_23a2 | s1_23Age2 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Age2 | |
s1_23st2 | s1_23Stat2 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Status2 | |
s1_23s3 | s1_23Sex3 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Sex3 | |
s1_23a3 | s1_23Age3 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Age3 | |
s1_23st3 | s1_23Stat3 | Please give the age, sex and status of the orphans Status3 | |
s124 | 1.24 How many are attending school | How many are attending school? | |
s125 | 1.25 Is there any member of your household who serves in a l | Is there any member of your household who serves in a leadership capacity? | |
s125a | 1.25 Is there any member of your household who serves in a l | Is there any member of your household who serves in a leadership capacity? | |
s126 | 1.26 Est-ce que un des membres de votre menages ont etes dep | Est-ce que un des membres de votre ménage ont étés déplacés/ quitté votre domicile au cours des derniers 3 mois ? | |
s127 | 1.27 Si Oui,quelle est la principale raison | Si «Oui », quelle est la principale raison? | |
s127a | 1.27 Si Oui,quelle est la principale other | Si «Oui », quelle est la principale raison? Other | |
s128 | 1.28 Ou sont-ils alles | Où sont-ils allés | |
s129 | 1.29 Est-ce que des membres de votre menage se sont reinstal | Est-ce que des membres de votre ménage se sont réinstallés/retournés au cours des derniers 3 mois ? | |
s130 | 1.30 Depuis combien de temps sont-ils de retour? | Depuis combien de temps sont-ils de retour ? | |
s131 | 1.31 Hebergez-vous des personnes dans votre menage | Hébergez-vous des personnes dans votre ménage (personnes résidant temporairement chez vous (3 mois ou plus)) ? | |
s21ar | 2.1 What is the major material of the roof | What is the major material of the roof? | |
s21ao | 2.1 What is the major material of the roof other | What is the major material of the roof other? | |
s21br | 2.1 What is the major material of the floor? | What is the major material of the floor? | |
s21bo | 2.1 What is the major material of the floor other? | What is the major material of the floor other? | |
s22 | 2.2 How many sleeping rooms/structures do you have? | How many sleeping rooms/structures do you have? | |
s23 | 2.3 How many people usually sleep in this dweelling | How many people usually sleep in this dweelling? | |
rmratio | Number of People per Room | Number of People per Room | |
s24 | 2.4 What kind of toilet facility does your household use? | What kind of toilet facility does your household use? | |
s25 | 2.5 Is the toilet facility located within the compound of yo | Is the toilet facility located within the compound of your household? | |
s26 | 2.6 What is the main source of lighting for this house | What is the main source of lighting for this house? | |
s27 | 2.7 What fuel do you use most often for cooking? | What fuel do you use most often for cooking? | |
s27a | 2.7 What fuel do you use most often for cooking other? | What fuel do you use most often for cooking other? | |
s28 | 2.8 What is the current main source of drinking water for ho | What is the current main source of drinking water for your household | |
s29j | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29f | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29m | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29a | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29ma | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29jun | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29jul | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29aug | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29sept | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29oct | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29nov | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29dec | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s29all | 2.9 For which month this does your household use this curren | For which months does your household use this current main drinking water source? | |
s210 | 2.10 Do you pay for water from this current main source | Do you pay for water from this current main source? | |
s211 | 2.11 How much per month do you pay for water | How much per month do you pay for water? | |
s212 | 2.12 Is there a time in the year when your household uses an | Is there a time in the year when your household uses an alternate water source? | |
s213 | 2.13 What is the main alternative source of drinking water f | What is the main alternative source of drinking water for your household? | |
s214j | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214f | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214m | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214a | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214ma | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214jun | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214jul | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214aug | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214sep | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214oc | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214nov | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214dec | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s214dall | 2.14 For which month this does your household use this curre | For which months does your household use this alternate water source? J F M A M J J A S O N D All | |
s215 | 2.15 Does you household pay for this alternate water | Does you household pay for this alternate water? | |
s216 | 2.16 How much per month do you pay for water | How much per month do you pay for water? | |
s217m | 2.17 How far is the source of water for your household Main | How far is the source of water for your household (main source)? minutes | |
s217mkm | 2.17 How far is the source of water for your household Main | How far is the source of water for your household (main source)? KM | |
s217a | 2.17 How far is the source of water for your household Alter | How far is the source of water for your household (alternate source)? Minute | |
s217akm | 2.17 How far is the source of water for your household Alter | How far is the source of water for your household (alternate source)? KM | |
s31 | Does your household farm land | Does your household farm Land? | |
s31a | Season A 2006 | Does your household farm Land? Season A 2006 | |
s31b | Season B 2005 | Does your household farm Land? Season B 2005 | |
s31c | Season C 2005 | Does your household farm Land? Season C 2005 | |
s33a | 3.3 Percentage of the total land you farm you farm that you | Percentage of the total land you farm that you legally own (with Title)? Season A 2006 | |
s33b | 3.3 Percentage of the total land you farm you farm that you | Percentage of the tota land you farm that you legally own (with Title)? Season B 2005 | |
s33c | 3.3 Percentage of the total land you farm you farm that you | Percentage of the tota land you farm that you legally own (with Title)? Season C 2005 | |
s34a | 3.4 Month of the on set of harvest from this season | Month of the onset of the harvest from this season (Season A 2006) | |
s34b | 3.4 Month of the on set of harvest from this season | Month of the onset of the harvest from this season (Season B 2005) | |
s34c | 3.4 Month of the on set of harvest from this season | Month of the onset of the harvest from this season (Season C 2005) | |
s35a | 3.5 How long did the total produce from this season last | How long did the total produce from this season last ?(Season A 2006) | |
s35b | 3.5 How long did the total produce from this season last | How long did the total produce from this season last ?(Season B 2005) | |
s35c | 3.5 How long did the total produce from this season last | How long did the total produce from this season last ?(Season C 2005) | |
s36 | 3.6 Did you use chimical fertlizer during this cropping peri | Did you use chemical fertilizer during this cropping period? | |
s37 | 3.7 Did you natural fertilizer during cropping period | Did you use natural (from animal/plant etc) fertilizer during Cropping Period? | |
q3_8_1 | Hoe | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_2 | Axe | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_3 | Sickle/ Machette | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_4 | Plough/ Ox Plough | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_5 | Radio | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_6 | Tape/ CD Player | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_7 | Bicycle | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_8 | Fishing Boat, Canoe | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_9 | Fishing Net | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_10 | Treadle Pump | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_11 | Chairs, Sofa | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_12 | Ox/ Donkey Cart | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_13 | Tractor | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_14 | Grinding Mill | Does your household own any of following items? | |
q3_8_15 | Oil Press | Does your household own any of following items? | |
Total variable(s):
1569 |