RWANDA - Demographic Health Survey 2010
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-2010-v01 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda NISR - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | The government of Rwanda - - United States Agency for International Development - USAID - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC - United Nations Children’s Fund - UNICEF - United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Aug 01, 2012
Last modified
Feb 27, 2013
Page views
Data File: Woman
Cases | 13790 |
Variable(s) | 871 |
Name | Label | Question | |
V761B | Condom used during last sex with 2nd to most recent partner | The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third person), was a condom used? | |
V761C | Condom used during last sex with 3rd to most recent partner | The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third person), was a condom used? | |
V762AA | Source for condoms: referal hospital | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AB | Source for condoms: district hospital | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AC | Source for condoms: health center | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AD | Source for condoms: health post | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AE | Source for condoms: outreach | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AF | Source for condoms: community health worker | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AG | Source for condoms: other public health facility | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AH | Source for condoms: CS publ-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AI | Source for condoms: CS publ-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AJ | Source for condoms: private polyclinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AK | Source for condoms: pharmacy | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AL | Source for condoms: private doctor/clinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AM | Source for condoms: dispensary | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AN | Source for condoms: family planning clinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AO | Source for condoms: other private health facility | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AP | Source for condoms: CS priv-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AQ | Source for condoms: CS priv-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AR | Source for condoms: CS priv-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AS | Source for condoms: kiosk | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AT | Source for condoms: traditional birth attendant | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AU | Source for condoms: friend/relative | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AV | Source for condoms: CS other-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AW | Source for condoms: CS other-NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AX | Source for condoms: other | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AZ | Don't know any source for condoms | ||
V762BA | Source for female condoms: referal hospital | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BB | Source for female condoms: district hospital | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BC | Source for female condoms: health center | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BD | Source for female condoms: health post | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BE | Source for female condoms: outreach | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BF | Source for female condoms: community health worker | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BG | Source for female condoms: other public health facility | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BH | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BI | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BJ | Source for female condoms: private polyclinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BK | Source for female condoms: pharmacy | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BL | Source for female condoms: private clinic/doctor | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BM | Source for female condoms: dispensary | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BN | Source for female condoms: family planning clinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BO | Source for female condoms: other private health facility | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BP | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BQ | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BR | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BS | Source for female condoms: kiosk | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BT | Source for female condoms: traditional birth attendant | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BU | Source for female condoms: friend/relative | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BV | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BW | Source for female condoms: -NA | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BX | Source for female condoms: other | Do you know of a place where a person can get female condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762BZ | Don't know any source for female condoms | ||
V763A | Had any STI in last 12 months | Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health in the last 12 months. During the last 12 months, have you had a disease which you got through sexual contact? | |
V763B | Had genital sore/ulcer in last 12 months | Sometimes women have a genital sore or ulcer. During the last 12 months, have you had a genital sore or ulcer? | |
V763C | Had genital discharge in last 12 months | Sometimes women experience a bad smelling abnormal genital discharge. During the last 12 months, have you had a bad smelling abnormal genital discharge? | |
V763D | Had CS STI in last 12 month-NA | ||
V763E | Had CS STI in last 12 month-NA | ||
V763F | Had CS STI in last 12 month-NA | ||
V763G | Had CS STI in last 12 month-NA | ||
V766A | Number of sex partners, excluding spouse, in last 12 months | ||
V766B | Number of sex partners, including spouse, in last 12 months | ||
V767A | Relationship with most recent sex partner | What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse? IF BOYFRIEND: Were you living together as if married? | |
V767B | Relationship with 2nd to most recent sex partner | What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse? IF BOYFRIEND: Were you living together as if married? | |
V767C | Relationship with 3rd to most recent sex partner | What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse? IF BOYFRIEND: Were you living together as if married? | |
V768A | Length of time knows last p-NA | For how long (have you had/did you have) a sexual relationship with this person? | |
V768B | Length of time knows other -NA | For how long (have you had/did you have) a sexual relationship with this person? | |
V768C | Length of time knows other -NA | For how long (have you had/did you have) a sexual relationship with this person? | |
V769 | Can get a condom | If you wanted to, could you yourself get a condom? | |
V769A | Can get a female condom | If you wanted to, could you yourself get a female condom? | |
V770 | Sought advice/treatment for last STI infection | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770A | Sought STI advice/treatment from: referal hospital | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770B | Sought STI advice/treatment from: district hospital | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770C | Sought STI advice/treatment from: health center | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770D | Sought STI advice/treatment from: health post | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770E | Sought STI advice/treatment from: outreach | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770F | Sought STI advice/treatment from: community health worker | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770G | Sought STI advice/treatment from: other public health facility | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770H | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770I | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770J | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770K | Sought STI advice/treatment from: private polyclinic | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770L | Sought STI advice/treatment from: clinic | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770M | Sought STI advice/treatment from: dispensary | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770N | Sought STI advice/treatment from: pharmacy | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770O | Sought STI advice/treatment from: family planning clinic | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770P | Sought STI advice/treatment from: other private health facility | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770Q | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770R | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770S | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770T | Sought STI advice/treatment from: kiosk | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770U | Sought STI advice/treatment from: traditional birth attendant | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770V | Sought STI advice/treatment from: friend/relative | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770W | Sought STI advice/treatment-NA | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V770X | Sought STI advice/treatment from: other | The last time you had (PROBLEM FROM <local vars>, corresponds to V763A/V763C/V763B respectively)), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment? | |
V774A | HIV transmitted during pregnancy | Can the virus that causes AIDS be transmitted from a mother to her baby: During pregnancy? | |
V774B | HIV transmitted during delivery | Can the virus that causes AIDS be transmitted from a mother to her baby: During delivery? | |
V774C | HIV transmitted by breastfeeding | Can the virus that causes AIDS be transmitted from a mother to her baby: By breastfeeding? | |
V775 | Knows someone who has, or i-NA | ||
V777 | Would want HIV infection in family to remain secret | If a member of your family got infected with the AIDS virus, would you want it to remain a secret or not? | |
V778 | Willing to care for relative with AIDS | If a member of your family became sick with AIDS, would you be willing to care for her or him in your own household? | |
Total variable(s):
871 |