Rwanda - Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA)
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-CFSVA-206-v01 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda - Government of Rwanda |
Sponsor(s) | Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity - ODAN/SENAC - Europian Commission (Humanitarian Aid) - ODAN/SENAC - MSF-Belgium - MSF-Belgium - FEWS NET - FEWS NET - The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of the Prime Minister’s Offi |
Created on
Aug 03, 2012
Last modified
Aug 03, 2012
Page views
Data File: June_10_Section1_11
Content | The file contains the data related to: -Demographics; -Housing and Facilities; -Household Assets and Productive Assets; -Inputs to Livelihood; -Migration & Remittances; -Sources of Credit; -Expenditure; -Food Sources and Consumption; -Shocks and Food Security and -Programme Participation. |
Cases | 2783 |
Variable(s) | 1569 |
Producer | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
Name | Label | Question | |
alc | alcohol Monthly total | ||
soap | Soap Monthly total | ||
transpor | Transport Monthly total | ||
firewood | Firewood Monthly total | ||
paraffin | Paraffin Monthly total | ||
rent | Rent Monthly total | ||
milling | Milling Monthly total | ||
fishmeat | Fish, Meat Monthly total | ||
medical | Medical Monthly total | ||
clothes | Clothes Monthly total | ||
equip | Equipment Monthly total | ||
fines | Fines Monthly total | ||
construc | Construction Monthly total | ||
hirelab | Hiring Labour Monthly total | ||
debts | Debts Monthly total | ||
educ | Education Monthly total | ||
social | Social Monthly total | ||
funerals | Funerals Monthly total | ||
pcmaize | maize percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcrice | rice percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcotcere | other cereals percentage of total expenditure | ||
pccassav | cassava percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcotroot | other root percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcbread | bread percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcbanana | banana percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcbeans | beans and peas percentage of all expenditures | ||
pcotvegi | other vegetables percentage of all expenditures | ||
pcgdnuts | groundnuts percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcfrfrui | fresh fruits percentage of all expenditures | ||
pcoil | oil, fat, butter percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcsugar | sugar percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcmilk | milk percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcalc | alcohol percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcsoap | soap percentage of total expenditure | ||
pctransp | transport percentage of all expenditure | ||
pcfirewo | firewood and charcoal percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcparaff | paraffin percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcrent | rent percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcmillin | milling percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcfishme | fish, meat percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcmedica | medical expenses percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcclothe | clothes percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcequip | equipment percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcfines | fines percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcconstr | construction percentage of total expenditure | ||
pchirela | hiring labour percentage of total expenditure | ||
pcdebts | debts percentage of total expenditures | ||
pceduc | education percentage of total expenditures | ||
pcsocial | social events percentage of total expenditures | ||
pcfunera | funerals percentage of total expenditure | ||
s91 | 9.1 Yesterday,How many times did the adults in this househol | Yesterday, how many times did the adults in this household eat? | |
s92 | 9.2 Yesterday,How many times did the children in this househ | Yesterday, how many times did the children in this household eat? | |
s93 | 9.3 Is this unusual | Is this unusual at this time of year? | |
q9_4_1 | Q9_Maize Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the maize consumption? | |
q9_s1_1 | Q9_Maize Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Maize Source 1 | |
q9_s2_1 | Q9_Maize Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was? Maize Source 2 | |
q9_s3_1 | Q9_Maize Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Q9_Maize Source 3 | |
q9_4_2 | Q9_Rice Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Rice Consumption | |
q9_s1_2 | Q9_Rice Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Rice Source 1 | |
q9_s2_2 | Q9_Rice Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was? Rice Source 2 | |
q9_s3_2 | Q9_Rice Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was? Rice Source 3 | |
q9_4_3 | Q9_Other Cereals Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Cereals Consumption | |
q9_s1_3 | Q9_Other Cereals Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Cereals Source 1 | |
q9_s2_3 | Q9_Other Cereals Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Cereals Source 2 | |
q9_s3_3 | Q9_Other Cereals Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Cereals Source 3 | |
q9_4_4 | Q9_Cassava Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Consumption | |
q9_s1_4 | Q9_Cassava Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Source 1 | |
q9_s2_4 | Q9_Cassava Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Source 2 | |
q9_s3_4 | Q9_Cassava Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was? Cassava Source 3 | |
q9_4_5 | Q9_Sweet Potato Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Sweet Potato Consumption | |
q9_s1_5 | Q9_Sweet Potato Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Sweet Potato Source 1 | |
q9_s2_5 | Q9_Sweet Potato Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Sweet Potato Source 2 | |
q9_s3_5 | Q9_Sweet Potato Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Sweet Potato Source 3 | |
q9_4_6 | Q9_Other Roots Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Roots Consumption | |
q9_s1_6 | Q9_Other Roots Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Roots Source 1 | |
q9_s2_6 | Q9_Other Roots Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Roots Source 2 | |
q9_s3_6 | Q9_Other Roots Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Roots Source 3 | |
q9_4_7 | Q9_Mandazi, Bread Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Mandazi, Bread Consumption | |
q9_s1_7 | Q9_Mandazi Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Mandazi Source 1 | |
q9_s2_7 | Q9_Mandazi Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Mandazi Source 2 | |
q9_s3_7 | Q9_mandazi Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? mandazi Source 3 | |
q9_4_8 | Q9_Cooking Banana Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cooking Banana Consumption | |
q9_s1_8 | Q9_Cooking Banana Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cooking Banana Source 1 | |
q9_s2_8 | Q9_Cooking Banana Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cooking Banana Source 2 | |
q9_s3_8 | Q9_Cooking Banana Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cooking Banana Source 3 | |
q9_4_9 | Q9_Beans and Peas Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Beans and Peas Consumption | |
q9_s1_9 | Q9_Beans and Peas Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Beans and Peas Source 1 | |
q9_s2_9 | Q9_Beans and Peas Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Beans and Peas Source 2 | |
q9_s3_9 | Q9_Beans and Peas Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Beans and Peas Source 3 | |
q9_4_10 | Q9_Other Vegetables Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Vegetables Consumption | |
q9_s1_10 | Q9_Other Vegetables Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Vegetables Source 1 | |
q9_s2_10 | Q9_Other Vegetables Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Vegetables Source 2 | |
q9_s3_10 | Q9_Other Vegetables Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Other Vegetables Source 3 | |
q9_4_11 | Q9_Cassava Leaves consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Leaves consumption | |
q9_s1_11 | Q9_Cassava Leaves Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Leaves Source 1 | |
q9_s2_11 | Q9_Cassava Leaves Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Leaves Source 2 | |
q9_s3_11 | Q9_Cassava Leaves Source 3 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Cassava Leaves Source 3 | |
q9_4_12 | Q9_GroundNuts Consumption | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? GroundNuts Consumption | |
q9_s1_12 | Q9_Groundnuts Source 1 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Groundnuts Source 1 | |
q9_s2_12 | Q9_Groundnuts Source 2 | Could you please tell me how many days in the past ONE WEEK your household has eaten the following foods and what the source was ? Groundnuts Source 2 | |
Total variable(s):
1569 |