Rwanda - Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV5), 2016-2017, VUP
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-EICV5-VUP-2016-2017-V01 |
Year | 2016 - 2017 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda (NISR) - Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Rwanda - GoR - Financial Partner World Bank - WB - Financial Partner UKaid - Ukaid - Financial Partner European Union - EU - Financial Partner One UN - One UN - Financial Partner |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Feb 04, 2019
Last modified
Feb 04, 2019
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Sampling Procedure
Sampling frame and sample size of EICV5 VUP panel survey:
The VUP Survey conducted with EICV4 was based on a sample of 2,460 households selected from the VUP administrative frame using a stratified two-stage sample design. The VUP sampling frame was stratified by province and predominant type of VUP beneficiaries (Direct Support, Financial Services and Public Works). In the EICV4 VUP Survey it was found that of the original sample of 2,460 VUP households, only 1,520 households indicated that they were receiving VUP benefits at the time of the survey. These 1,520 households are considered the initial baseline panel of VUP households that are being enumerated in the EICV5 VUP Panel Survey. Following a further review of the EICV4 VUP data it was found that 27 of these households did not actually receive any VUP benefits during the reference period, so they were dropped from the EICV5 VUP Panel data set for the analysis, and they will not be assigned any weights. Therefore the final number of eligible EICV4 sample VUP households that was matched to the EICV5 panel households was 1,493.
Response Rate
Following the EICV5 data collection it was found that 175 of these households could not be interviewed because of a death or move outside the country. Therefore the final number of eligible EICV5 VUP panel sample households was 1,642, including 324 households from split.
Since the baseline for the EICV5 VUP Panel Survey is the EICV4 VUP Survey, the weights are based on the corresponding frame. Therefore the basic weights for the EICV5 VUP panel households are the same as the corresponding weights for these households calculated for the EICV4 Panel Survey, adjusted to take into account any nonresponse and splitting.
Although the weights for the EICV4 VUP Survey were calculated based on all the EICV4 sample households in each sample cluster, these weights would still be applied to the subset of eligible sample households that received VUP benefits during the EICV4 reference period. The weighted survey estimates only represent this subset of original VUP frame corresponding to households receiving VUP benefits.