RWANDA - Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1992
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-1992-v01 |
Year | 1992 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | Office National de la Population - MINIPLA |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Agence for International Development - USAID - Financial support United Nations for Chirdren - UNICEF - Financial support Macro International Inc - - Financial support |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2012
Last modified
Aug 01, 2012
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Data File: Person
Content | Person data are captured from House hold questionnaire therefore contains information on both female and male information |
Cases | 31881 |
Variable(s) | 23 |
Version | 1.0 This is the final version of the data anonymized |
Producer | National population office which is replaced by Institute of Statistics of Rwanda - Raw data is produced by NISR |
Missing Data | Missing data are represented by 9,99,999,9999 |
Processing Checks | Data were entered by a team of eight data processing personnel recruited and trained for this task, assisted during these operations by 4 others. Completed questionnaires were periodically brought in from the field to the National Institute of Statistics in Kigali, where assigned agents checked them and coded the open-ended questions. Next, the questionnaires were sent to the data entry facility and the blood samples were sent to the National Reference Laboratory to be screened for HIV. Data were entered using CSPro, a program developed jointly by the United States Census Bureau, the ORC Macro MEASURE DHS+ program, and Serpro S.A. All questionnaires were entered twice to eliminate as many data entry errors as possible. In addition, a quality control program was used to detect some of the main data collection errors for each team. This information was shared with field teams during supervisory visits to improve data quality. |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Case Identification | ||
PID | Personal ID | ||
HV101 | Relationship to head | What is the relationship of (NAME) to the head of the household? | |
HV102 | Usual resident | Does (NAME) usually live here? | |
HV103 | Slept last night | Did (NAME) stay here last night? | |
HV104 | Sex of household member | Is (NAME) male or female? | |
HV105 | Age of household members | How old is (NAME)? | |
HV106 | Highest educational level | Has (NAME) ever been to school? (IF YES) What is the highest level of school (NAME) attended? | |
HV107 | Highest year of education | Has (NAME) ever been to school? (IF YES) What is the highest grade (NAME) completed at that level? | |
HV108 | Education in single years | ||
HV109 | Educational attainment | ||
HV110 | Member still in school | Is (NAME) still in school? | |
HV111 | Mother alive | Is (NAME)'s natural mother alive? | |
HV112 | Mother's line number - NA | Does (NAME)'s natural mother live in this household? IF YES: What is her name? | |
HV113 | Father alive | Is (NAME)'s natural father alive? | |
HV114 | Father's line number - NA | Does (NAME)'s natural father live in this household? IF YES: What is his name? | |
HV115 | Current marital status - NA | ||
HV116 | Currently, formerly, neve - NA | ||
HV117 | Eligibility for female intview | ||
HV118 | Eligibility for male interview | ||
SH9A | Level of education | ||
SH11 | Mother alive | ||
SH12 | Father alive | ||
Total variable(s):
23 |