Rwanda - Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA)
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-CFSVA-206-v01 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda - Government of Rwanda |
Sponsor(s) | Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity - ODAN/SENAC - Europian Commission (Humanitarian Aid) - ODAN/SENAC - MSF-Belgium - MSF-Belgium - FEWS NET - FEWS NET - The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of the Prime Minister’s Offi |
Created on
Aug 03, 2012
Last modified
Aug 03, 2012
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ID Number RWA-NISR-CFSVA-206-v01 |
Version Description
Vo.1: Basic raw data, obtained from data entryProduction Date
After a decade of rapid and sustained economic growth, Rwanda has made significant progress toward rebuilding after the devastating 1994 genocide. Still, it remains one of Africa’s poorest countries and the majority of the population (60 percent) lives below thepoverty line. Per capita income, even when adjusted for purchasing power parity, has yet to reach its 1990 levels. Population and Household Living Conditions Study (EICV) survey data from 2001 suggest that over 70 percent of the rural population is considered to be food poor, 45 percent of the children aged 6–59 months are stunted and 3.9 percent are wasted. Structural causes of food insecurity further remain to be addressed, including:(1) low productivity of the agricultural sector (per capita production is still below 1990 levels); (2) population pressure on land, resulting in suboptimal plot size and cultivation of marginal land; (3) soil erosion, loss of soil fertility and subsequent declines in productivity; (4) malfunctioning markets and lack of economic opportunities, especially in the rural areas; (5) diseases and epidemics like HIV/AIDS and malaria; and (6) long-term consequences of the conflict such as displacement, family separation and social disruption, which increase the number of vulnerable people and the depth of their vulnerability.
It is against this background that WFP proposed to undertake a national Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) with the objective of measuring the extent and depth of food insecurity and vulnerability and identifying the underlying causes. The study is intended to inform relevant decision-making processes to mitigate food crises and increase food security. This report presents the results of the analysis of three sources of data: collection of quantitative primary data from 2,806 households selected nationwide to be representative at a sub-provincial level (food economy zones); collection of qualitative primary data; and secondary information (literature review).
The purpose of this Comprehensive Food security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) is to provide an accurate baseline and understanding of chronic food insecurity and vulnerability conditions in rural Rwanda, and how best to respond to them. It seeks to
answer five main questions:
1. Who are the “food-insecure” and “vulnerable”?
2. How many are they?
3. Where do they live?
4. Why are they food-insecure?
5. What intervention is appropriate to reduce their food insecurity and vulnerability?
The answers to those five questions will help develop and target programme activities toward those who most need them (profiles) in the most effective way (intervention). It will further support the development of a monitoring and evaluation system by establishing a baseline against which to measure post-shock changes.
Food security exists when “all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life10”. It is understood as a multidimensional function of:
1) food availability: the amount of food physically available to a household (micro level) or at the national level (macro);
2) food access: the physical (e.g. road network, market) and economical (e.g. own production, exchange, purchase) ability of a household to acquire adequate amounts of food; and
3) food utilization: the intra-household use of the food accessible and the individual’s ability to absorb and use nutrients (e.g. function of health
Vulnerability is “the probability of an acute decline in food access, or consumption, often in reference to some critical value that defines minimum levels of human well-being”. It is a function of:
1) exposure to risk: the probability of an event that, if it did materialize, would cause a welfare loss (e.g. drought); and
2) risk management: the ability to mitigate the possible consequences of a probable event. This can in turn be divided into ex-ante risk manageme (preparedness) and ex-post risk management (ability to cope). The ability to cope is the response after an event occurred; it can be negative and affect the resource base of the household, such as the selling of assets, or positive (non-negative response such as migration). The ability to cope is undermined by the intensity of the event itself but also by poor structural and societal conditions such as poverty.
Kind of Data
Sample survey data [ssd]Units of Analysis
Households were selected through multiple stage cluster sampling.Coverage
Geographic Coverage
National Coverage ( rural households)Geographic Unit
Sub-provincial level (food economy zones).The 12 food economy zones (FEZ) identified in 2003 by the Rwanda Vulnerability Baseline Assessment conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports (MIJESPOC), the Ministry of Local Administration, Community Development and Social Affairs (MINALOC), theWorld Food Programme (WFP) and FEWS NET. All FEZ but Kigali were surveyed.
Household membersProducers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics Rwanda | Government of Rwanda |
Other Producer(s)
Name | Affiliation | Role |
World Food Programme | International Organisation | Technical assistance |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity | ODAN/SENAC | |
Europian Commission (Humanitarian Aid) | ODAN/SENAC | |
MSF-Belgium | MSF-Belgium | |
The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) of the Prime Minister’s Office | DMU |
Other Acknowledgements
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
MINALOC | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
MINECOFIN | Government of Rwanda | Technica assistance |
UNICEF | International Organisation | Technica assistance |
Medecin Sans Frontières | International Organisation | Technica assistance |
The head of VAM, Joyce Luma | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
Food security partners in Rwanda (FEWS NET, MINAGRI) | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
Staff of the WFP country office | International Organisation | secured funding for the HIV/AIDS portion of the survey |
National Institute of Statistics (NISR) | Government of Rwanda | logistics, planning and coordination stages of the survey |
WFP Rome ODAN/ODAV | International Organisation | questionnaire design and survey methodology |
The initial technical working group (PMO/DMU, MINECOFIN, MINAGRI, MSFBelgium, FEWS) | International Organisation | questionnaire design |
International Organisation |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | NISR | Government of Rwanda | Documentation of study |
Date of Metadata Production
2012-05DDI Document Version
Version 0.1 (May 2012)DDI Document ID