Rwanda - Micro-Enterprise Survey 2011
Reference ID | RWA_2011_MS_v01_M_WB |
Year | 2011 - 2012 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | World Bank |
Sponsor(s) | World Bank - - |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 20, 2013
Last modified
Aug 12, 2014
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Data File: Rwandamicro-2011 data-
Content | The file contains the cleaned, raw database. |
Cases | 148 |
Variable(s) | 247 |
Producer | World Bank |
Notes | Some special codes are used in the data set: -9 is "Don't Know" -8 is "Refusal to respond" -7 is "Does not apply" -6 is "Still in process" -5 is "Application denied" |
Name | Label | Question | |
idstd | WEB STD FIRMID | ||
id | interview number | ||
cards | Cards | ||
a0 | Questionnaire | ||
a1 | Country Code | ||
a1a | Language Of The Interview | ||
a2 | Sampling Region | ||
a3a | Region Of The Establishment | ||
a3b | is this city the official capital city? | ||
a3c | is this city the main business city? | ||
a3 | Size Of Locality | ||
a4a | Industry Sampling Sector | ||
a4b | Industry Screener Sector | ||
a5 | Sector Match Between Screener Information And Sample Frame | Sector match between screener information and sample frame | |
a6a | Sampling Size | ||
a6b | Screener Size | ||
a7 | Establishment Is Part Of A Large Firm | ||
a7a | Number Of Establishments In The Firm | ||
a8 | Type Of Establishment | Type of establishment | |
a9 | Establishment's Financial Statements Prepared Separately from HQ Statements | ||
a10 | Establishment's Financial Statements Separate from Other Establishments | ||
a11 | If HQ, Financial Statements Independent Of The Rest Of Establishment | ||
a12 | Interviewer Number | Interviewer code | |
a13 | Supervisor Number | Supervisor code | |
a14d | Day | Date face-to-face interview begins: Day (dd) | |
a14m | Month | Date face-to-face interview begins: Month (mm) | |
a14y | Year | Date face-to-face interview begins: Year (yyyy) | |
a14h | Hour | Time face-to-face interview begins: Hour (00 to 23) | |
a14min | Minutes | Time face-to-face interview begins: Minutes (00 to 59) | |
b1 | Legal Status of the Firm | What is this firm‘s current legal status? | |
b1x | Other (Specify) | What is this firm's current legal status? Other | |
b3 | What Percentage Of This Firm Does The Largest Owner(s) Own? | What percent of this firm does the largest owner or owners own? | |
b2a | % owned by Private Domestic Individuals, Companies Or Organizations | What percent of this firm is owned by each of the following: Private domestic individuals, companies or organizations | |
b2b | % owned by Private Foreign Individuals, Companies Or Organizations | What percent of this firm is owned by each of the following: Private foreign individuals, companies or organizations | |
b2c | % owned by Government/State | What percent of this firm is owned by each of the following: Government/State | |
b2d | % owned by Other | What percent of this firm is owned by each of the following: Other | |
AFb3a | Gender composition of the owners of the firm | Are the owners of the firm: | |
AFb3b | Is the largest owner female? | Is the largest owner female? | |
AFb4a | What is the nationality of origin of the current largest owner? | What is the nationality of the current largest owner? | |
AFb4a1 | Main african nationality of largest owner | What is the nationality of the current largest owner? African (specify) | |
AFb4a4 | Main "other asian" nationality of largest owner | What is the nationality of the current largest owner? Other Asian (specify) | |
b5 | Year Establishment Began Operations | In what year did this establishment begin operations? | |
b6 | Number Of Full-Time Employees Of The Establishment When It Started Operations | How many full-time employees did this establishment employ when it started operations? Please include all employees and managers | |
b6a | Was Establishment Formally Registered When It Began Operations? | Was this establishment formally registered when it began operations? | |
b6b | In What Year Was This Establishment Formally Registered? | In what year was this establishment formally registered? | |
b7 | How Many Years Of Experience Working In This Sector Does The Top Manager Have? | How many years of experience working in this sector does the Top Manager have? | |
AFb7a | What is the highest level of education of the current top manager? | What is the highest level of education of the current top manager? | |
b7a | Is The Top Manager Female? | Is the Top Manager female? | |
b8 | Does Establishment Have An Internationally-Recognized Quality Certification? | Does this establishment have an internationally-recognized quality certification? | |
AFb8a | Is this establishment located in an export processing or other industrial zone? | Is this establishment located in an export processing or other industrial zone? | |
c3 | Application To Obtain An electrical connection Submitted Over The Last 2 Years | Over the last two years, did this establishment submit an application to obtain an electrical connection? | |
c4 | How Many Days Did It Take For You To Receive An Electrical Connection Service? | In reference to that application for an electrical connection, approximately how many days did it take to obtain it from the day of the application to the day the service was received? | |
c5 | Informal Gift/Payment Expected Or Requested For An Electrical Connection? | In reference to that application for an electrical connection, was an informal gift or payment expected or requested? | |
c6 | Over last FY, Did This Establishment Experience Power Outages? | Over fiscal year 2010, did this establishment experience power outages? | |
c7 | Number Of Power Outages Experienced In A Typical Month In Last Fiscal Year | In a typical month, over fiscal year 2010, how many power outages did this establishment experience? | |
c8 | How Long Did The Average Power Outage Last? | How long did these power outages last on average? | |
c9a | In last FY, losses as % of annual sales due to power outages | Please estimate the losses that resulted from power outages either as a percentage of total annual sales or as total annual losses. Loss as percent of total annual sales due to power outages | |
c9b | In last FY, value of losses due to power outages | Please estimate the losses that resulted from power outages either as a percentage of total annual sales or as total annual losses. Annual losses due to power outages | |
c10 | Generator Shared Or Owned Over The Course Of Last Fiscal Year? | Over the course of fiscal year 2010, did this establishment own or share a generator? | |
c11 | % Electricity From Generator Owned/Shared By The Establishment In Last Fiscal Yr | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's electricity came from a generator or generators that the establishment owned or shared? | |
c12 | Application To Obtain A Water Connection Submitted Over The Last 2 Years | Over the last two years, did this establishment submit an application to obtain a water connection? | |
c13 | How Many Days Did It Take For You To Obtain A Water Connection? | In reference to that application for a water connection, approximately how many days did it take to obtain it from the day of the application to the day the service was received? | |
c14 | When You Applied For A Water Connection, Was An Informal Gift/payment Requested? | In reference to that application for a water connection, was an informal gift or payment expected or requested? | |
c15 | Did You Experience Insufficient Water Supply For Production In Last Fiscal Yr? | Over fiscal year 2010, did this establishment experience insufficient water supply for production? | |
c16 | Frequency Of Incidents Of Water Shortages In A Typical Month In Last Fiscal Yr | In a typical month, over fiscal year 2010, how many incidents of insufficient water supply did this establishment experience? | |
c17 | Average Length Of Water Shortages (Affecting Production) In Last Fiscal Year | How long did these incidents of insufficient water supply last on average? | |
c19 | Application To Obtain A Telephone Connection Submitted Over The Last 2 Years | Over the last two years, did this establishment submit an application to obtain a telephone connection? | |
c20 | How Many Days Did It Take For You To Receive A Telephone Connection? | In reference to that application for a telephone connection, approximately how many days did it take to obtain it from the day of the application to the day the service was received? | |
c21 | When You Applied For A Tele. Connection Was An Informal/payment Gift Requested? | In reference to that application for a telephone connection, was an informal gift or payment expected or requested? | |
c22a | Do You Currently Communicate With Clients And Suppliers By E-Mail? | At the present time, does this establishment use any of the following:.? E-mail to communicate with clients or suppliers | |
c22b | Establishment has its own website | At the present time, does this establishment use any of the following:.? Its own website | |
c28 | Cell phones used in operations of the establishment | Does this establishment currently use cell phones for the operations of the establishment? | |
c30a | How Much Of An Obstacle: Electricity To Operations Of This Establishment? | Is electricity No Obstacle, a Minor Obstacle, a Moderate Obstacle, a Major Obstacle, or a Very Severe Obstacle to the current operations of this establishment? | |
c30b | How Much Of An Obstacle: Telecommunications To Operations Of This Establishment? | Is Telecommunications No Obstacle, a Minor Obstacle, a Moderate Obstacle, a Major Obstacle, or a Very Severe Obstacle to the current operations of this establishment? | |
d1a1x | Main Product/Service (By The Largest % Of Annual Sales) In Last Fiscal Year | In fiscal year 2010, what was this establishment's main product, that is, the product that represented the largest proportion of annual sales (in LCU)? | |
d1a2 | First Product/Service Isic Code | Using this card, please choose the 4-digit code that best applies to the main product of this establishment. | |
d1a3 | First Product/Service, Percent Of Total Annual Sales | What percentage of total sales does the main product represent? | |
d2 | In Last Fiscal Year, What Were This Establishment’S Total Annual Sales? | In fiscal year 2010, what were this establishment's total annual sales? | |
d2x | d2x - amount in letters | ||
n3 | What Were the Establishment Sales 3 years ago | In fiscal year 2008, three fiscal years ago, what were total annual sales for this establishment? | |
d3a | % of sales: National sales | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's sales were: National sales | |
d3b | % o sales: Indirect exports | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's sales were: Indirect exports (sold domestically to third party that exports products) | |
d3c | % of sales: Direct exports | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's sales were: Direct exports | |
AFd3f | FY2010, % export revenue: Neighboring Countries within Africa | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's annual export revenue were to: Neighboring Countries within Sub-Saharan Africa | |
AFd3g | FY2010, % export revenue: Developed Countries | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's annual export revenue were to: Developed Countries | |
AFd3h | FY2010, % export revenue: Other | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's annual export revenue were to: Other | |
d4 | In last FY, avg. num. of days for exported goods to clear customs? | In fiscal year 2010,when this establishment exported goods directly, how many days did it take on average from the time this establishment's goods arrived at their main point of exit (e.g., port, airport) until the time these goods cleared customs? | |
AFd5a | Total clearing costs for an average consignment as a percentage of the consignme | Thinking of the main point of exit, in fiscal year 2010, what were the total clearing costs for an average consignment as a percent of the consignment value? In calculating the total clearing costs, please include things such as payments to clearing agents, storage fees, container handling fees, and gifts or informal payments to customs officials. | |
AFd5b | FY2010, % of consignments handled by clearing agent | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's export consignments were handled by an outside clearing agent to facilitate customs clearance? | |
AFd5c | FY2010, % of consignments physically inspected by customs agent | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of this establishment's export containers were physically inspected by custom officials? | |
d6 | In last FY, Export Losses Due To Theft As % Of value of products | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of the consignment value of the products exported directly was lost while in transit because of theft? | |
d7 | In last FY, Export Losses Due To Breakage Or Spoilage As % Of value of products | In fiscal year 2010, what percent of the consignment value of the products exported directly was lost while in transit because of breakage or spoilage? | |
AFd7a1 | FY2010, benefit from Suspension or exemptions from duties on imported inputs | In fiscal year 2010, did this establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes | |
AFd7a2 | FY2010, benefit from Profit tax exemption | In fiscal year 2010, did this establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes | |
AFd7a3 | FY2010, benefit from VAT reimbursement | In fiscal year 2010, did this establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes | |
AFd7a4 | FY2010, benefit from Export financing scheme, such as an export credit guarantee | In fiscal year 2010, did this establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes | |
AFd7a5 | FY2010, benefit from Other export or investment incentive schemes | In fiscal year 2010, did this establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes | |
AFd7b | FY2010, main reason establishment did not take advantage of export/investment i | In fiscal year 2010, what was the MAIN reason that this establishment did NOT take advantage of any of the schemes listed above? | |
d12a | % Of Material Inputs And Supplies Of Domestic Origin In Last Fiscal Year | In fiscal year 2010, as a proportion of all of the material inputs or supplies purchased that year, what percent of this establishment's material inputs or supplies were: Material inputs or supplies of domestic origin | |
d12b | % Of Material Inputs And Supplies Of Foreign Origin In Last Fiscal Year | In fiscal year 2010, as a proportion of all of the material inputs or supplies purchased that year, what percent of this establishment's material inputs or supplies were: Material inputs or supplies of foreign origin | |
Total variable(s):
247 |