Rwanda - Enterprise Survey 2006
Reference ID | RWA_2006_ES_v01_M_WB |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | World Bank |
Sponsor(s) | World Bank - - |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 20, 2013
Last modified
Aug 12, 2014
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
2006-11 | 2006-12 | N/A |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]
Data Collection Notes
Private contractors conduct the Enterprise Surveys on behalf of the World Bank. Due to sensitive survey questions addressing business-government relations and corruption-related topics, private contractors are preferred over any government agency or an organization/institution associated with government, and are hired by the World Bank to collect the data.
The Enterprise Surveys are usually implemented following a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, a screener questionnaire is applied over the phone to determine eligibility and to make appointments; in the second stage, a face-to-face interview takes place with the Manager/Owner/Director of each establishment. Sometimes the survey respondent calls company accountants and human resource managers into the interview to answer questions in the sales and labor sections of the survey.
All Enterprise Surveys are conducted in the local languages.
The current survey instruments are available:
- Core Questionnaire + Manufacturing Module;
- Core Questionnaire + Retail Module;
- Core Questionnaire.
Most of the questions in all three questionnaires are the same.
The "Core Questionnaire" is the heart of the Enterprise Survey and contains the survey questions asked of all firms across the world. There are also two other survey instruments - the "Core Questionnaire + Manufacturing Module" and the "Core Questionnaire + Retail Module." The survey is fielded via three instruments in order to not ask questions that are irrelevant to specific types of firms, e.g. a question that relates to production and nonproduction workers should not be asked of a retail firm. In addition to questions that are asked across countries, all surveys are customized and contain country-specific questions. An example of customization would be including tourism-related questions that are asked in certain countries when tourism is an existing or potential sector of economic growth.
The standard Enterprise Survey topics include firm characteristics, gender participation, access to finance, annual sales, costs of inputs/labor, workforce composition, bribery, licensing, infrastructure, trade, crime, competition, capacity utilization, informality, business-government relations, conflict resolution and legal environment, innovation and technology, and performance measures. The questionnaires also assess respondents’ opinions on what are the obstacles to firm growth and performance.