RWANDA - Demographic Health Survey 2010
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-2010-v01 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda NISR - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | The government of Rwanda - - United States Agency for International Development - USAID - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC - United Nations Children’s Fund - UNICEF - United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2012
Last modified
Feb 27, 2013
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Data File: Woman
Cases | 13790 |
Variable(s) | 871 |
Name | Label | Question | |
G114 | Person who performed circum-NA | Who performed the circumcision? | |
G115 | Any daughter not circumcise-NA | Do you have any daughter who is not circumcised? | |
G116 | Intends to have daughter(s)-NA | Do you intend to have any of your daughters circumcised in the future? | |
G117A | Cleanliness/hygiene: Female-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117B | Social acceptance: Female c-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117C | Better marriage prospects: -NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117D | Virginity/prevent premarita-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117E | Greater sexual pleasure for-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117F | Religious approval: Female -NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117G | CS: Female circumcision ben-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117H | CS: Female circumcision ben-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117I | CS: Female circumcision ben-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117J | CS: Female circumcision ben-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117X | Other: Female circumcision -NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G117Y | No benefit from female circ-NA | What benefits do girls themselves get if they are circumcised? | |
G118 | Female circumcision require-NA | Do you believe that this practice is required by your religion? | |
G119 | Female circumcision: contin-NA | Do you think that this practice should be continued, or should it be stopped? | |
SSTRUCT | Household structure number | ||
SLANG | Language of the interview | ||
STRANS | Translator used | ||
SDISTR | District | ||
S105 | Highest educational level | What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, postprimary, secondary, or higher? | |
S106 | Highest grade/form/year at that level | What is the highest (grade/form/year) you completed at that level? | |
SEDUC | Highest educational level - report | What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, postprimary, secondary, or higher? Report | |
S115 | Number of trips in last 12 months | In the last 12 months, how many times have you been away from home for one or more nights? | |
S205AA | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AB | Where do sons or daughters live - relative | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AC | Where do sons or daughters live - in the street | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AD | Where do sons or daughters live - work | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AE | Where do sons or daughters live - married | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AX | Where do sons or daughters live - other | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S205AZ | Where do sons or daughters live - don't know | Where do sons or daughters live - boarding school | |
S304N | Current contraceptive method (major method) | Which method are you using? -WITHDRAWAL | |
S315 | Source for current method when started (includes rhythm) | You first started using (CURRENT METHOD) in (DATE FROMb 308/308A). Where did you get it at that time? | |
S561A | Heard of counseling or education on nutrition | Have you ever heard of any counseling or education on nutrition? | |
S561BA | Where did hear about nutritional education - health facility | Where did you hear about counseling or education on nutrition? - health facility | |
S561BB | Where did hear about nutritional education - community health worker | Where did you hear about counseling or education on nutrition? | |
S561BC | Where did hear about nutritional education - friends/relatives | Where did you hear about counseling or education on nutrition? | |
S561BD | Where did hear about nutritional education - magazine/newspaper/radio/TV | Where did you hear about counseling or education on nutrition? | |
S561BX | Where did hear about nutritional education - other | Where did you hear about counseling or education on nutrition? | |
S623A1 | Number of times had sexual intercourse with last partner | How many times during the last 12 months did you have sexual intercourse with this person? | |
S623A2 | Number of times had sexual intercourse with second to last partner | How many times during the last 12 months did you have sexual intercourse with this person? | |
S623A3 | Number of times had sexual intercourse with third to last partner | How many times during the last 12 months did you have sexual intercourse with this person? | |
S626A | Total number of people had sex with in the last month | In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months? | |
S826E | Husband is justified beating his wife when she has sex with someone else | In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months? | |
S827A | A parent is justified hitting or beating his/her children if he/she disobeys | In your opinion, is a parent justified in hitting or beating his children for the following reasons: If he disobeys? | |
S827B | A parent is justified hitting or beating his/her children if he/she is impolite | In your opinion, is a parent justified in hitting or beating his children for the following reasons: If he impolite? | |
S827C | A parent is justified hitting or beating his/her children if he/she embarraassed the family | In your opinion, is a parent justified in hitting or beating his children for the following reasons: If he has embarrassed the family? | |
S907A | Men reduce changes on AIDS by getting circumcised | Can men reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by getting circumcised? | |
S910B | Been tested for AIDS for prenuptial purposes | I don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested to see if you have the AIDS virus for prenuptial purposes? | |
S910D | Been tested for AIDS as a couple with husband | don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested as couple with your husband/partner to see if you and/or him have the AIDS virus? | |
S910E | Received the results of the test | I don't want to know the results, but have you and your husband told each other the results of your tests? | |
S931Q | Knows a place for AIDS testing - correctional facility | Do you know of a place where people can go to get tested for the AIDS virus? Where is that? | |
S951AA | Sinigurisha - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? | |
S951AB | Sinigurisha - how did hear about it | How did you hear about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? a) Sinigurisha | |
S951AC | Sinigurisha - who talked to | Who did you talk to about (NAMEOF CAMPAIGN)? a) Sinigurisha | |
S951BA | Fata umwana wese nkuwawe - herad of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? b) Fata umwana wese nkuwawe How did you hear about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951BB | Fata umwana wese nkuwawe - how did hear about it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? b) Fata umwana wese nkuwawe Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951BC | Fata umwana wese nkuwawe - who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? b) Fata umwana wese nkuwawe Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951CA | World AIDS day - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? c) World AIDS Day (Ivuga,kwipimisha virus SIDA ku bushake n'ababana, kugirangotugabanya ubwiyongere bw'ikwizwa ry'ubwandu bw'agakoko gatera SIDA) | |
S951CB | World AIDS day - how did hear about it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? c) World AIDS Day (Ivuga,kwipimisha virus SIDA ku bushake n'ababana, kugirangotugabanya ubwiyongere bw'ikwizwa ry'ubwandu bw'agakoko gatera SIDA) How did you hear about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951CC | World AIDS day - who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? c) World AIDS Day (Ivuga,kwipimisha virus SIDA ku bushake n'ababana, kugirangotugabanya ubwiyongere bw'ikwizwa ry'ubwandu bw'agakoko gatera SIDA) Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951DA | World AIDS day II - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? World AIDS Day (Iagakingirizo ni uburyo bwo kwirinda SIDA tukavuge, tukabone,tugakoreshe: ni uburenganzira bwa buri wese.) | |
S951DB | World AIDS day II - how did hear about it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? World AIDS Day (Iagakingirizo ni uburyo bwo kwirinda SIDA tukavuge, tukabone,tugakoreshe: ni uburenganzira bwa buri wese.) How did you hear about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951DC | World AIDS day II - Who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? World AIDS Day (Iagakingirizo ni uburyo bwo kwirinda SIDA tukavuge, tukabone,tugakoreshe: ni uburenganzira bwa buri wese.) Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951EA | Tega amatwi wemve on the radio - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? e)Tega amatwi wumve on the radio | |
S951EC | Tega amatwi wemve on the radio - who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? e)Tega amatwi wumve on the radio Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951FA | Zibukira on the radio - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? f) Zibukira on the radio | |
S951FC | Zibukira on the radio - who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? f) Zibukira on the radio Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
S951GA | Inshuti y'ubuzima on the radio - heard of it | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? g) Inshuti y'ubuzima on the radio | |
S951GC | Inshuti y'ubuzima on the radio - who talked to | Have you ever heard about the following campaigns? g) Inshuti y'ubuzima on the radio Who did you talk to about (NAME OF CAMPAIGN)? | |
Total variable(s):
871 |